Bridger Pipeline plans expansion
Alexis Barker
NLJ News Editor
Bridger Pipeline LLC has announced expansion of its crude oil pipelines in North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming, according to Ken Dockweiler, of Bridger Pipeline, and Bill Salvin, a public relations specialist hired by the corporation. The duo met with the Weston County commissioners on both Oct. 1 and Oct. 15, explaining the pipeline plans, the company’s work with local landowners and that the website would launch on Oct. 16 with details about the company and pipeline.
The upcoming project, according to the website, will be done in two phases, with the Wyoming portion being completed first.
“The Equality Pipeline in Wyoming will traverse about 190 miles from Hulett south to Guernsey. The line will have a 20-inch diameter capable of moving as much as 200,000 barrels a day of crude oil. Bridger Pipeline plans to complete the Equality line in the summer of 2020,” the website says.
Construction of the Wyoming portion of the pipeline is scheduled to begin late in 2019, according to the website’s FAQ page.
Also included in the expansion is the South Bend Pipeline that will run from Johnson Corner, North Dakota, southwest to Baker, Montana.
“Our expansion will allow all producers in the Bakken region and in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin the ability to safely and quickly get their products to national and international oil markets,” said Tad True, executive vice president of Bridger Pipeline.
Bridger Pipeline LLC, Belle Fourche Pipeline Co. and Butte Pipeline Co. are part of True Companies, which is based in Casper.
Dockweiler noted that the new pipeline will be “more or less” parallel to the company’s existing Butte Pipeline, passing through Weston County. This expansion will add approximately 330 miles of pipeline to the company’s existing operations, with 191 miles of that in Wyoming, he said.
Commissioners Ed Wagoner recommended that the communications between the business and the county remain frequent throughout the project, with increasing visits happening closer to completion of the project.