Best Ways To Improve a Hospital Emergency Response Plan
While preparing for an emergency may be a bleak affair, it is necessary in each business, especially in a medical facility.
Although healthcare professionals are already trained, it’s vital to ensure your office is well-equipped for essentially any scenario. This includes weather-related and patient emergency situations. Here are some of the best ways to improve a hospital emergency response plan.
Train All Staff (New and Old)
No matter how long a member of your staff has been employed at your healthcare office, you must be sure that they go through training annually. Remember, what we don’t use, we lose.
When it comes to new employees, try to make sure they understand the emergency guidelines, rules, and regulations in your facility. Make sure they make few to no mistakes when it comes time to put a plan into action.
Quick response is critical in each emergency situation and it’s vital that your employees are trained and confident in what they’re doing to ensure proper treatment for the specific circumstance.
This includes providing access to each employee that may need technological permissions in the time of a crisis. Proper training is key to a successful prompt response in every situation.
Take Consistent Inventory
Taking consistent inventory of all the necessary tools in your hospital is great way to improve your emergency response plan. Be sure to take inventory on a routine basis. As your hospital operates, you’ll upgrade, replace, and utilize your equipment, so it’s critical to ensure that you have enough items to keep people safe during an emergency scenario.
For example, if your hospital needs more masks, be sure to order them right away. However, keep in mind that there is a difference between standard PPE and medical-grade PPE. You may benefit from acquiring both as they may assist your team in helping others during an evacuation.
Hold “Dress Rehearsals”
Dress rehearsals are more commonly done in theatre the night before the opening of the production. However, they can be applied in this occurrence as well. Once you train your staff, lock in the information with a practice drill of an emergency.
It’s natural for anyone to lose information in a pressure situation. Rehearsing the motions, communications, and routes regularly is a great way to help employees feel more comfortable with their actions in any situation.
These are just a few of the best ways to improve a hospital emergency response plan. Be sure to talk with your team about how you can best help them prepare. Remember, everyone learns differently, so communication is key.