All-school reunion is next week
Alexis Barker
NLJ News Editor
The Newcastle High School All-School Reunion is right around the corner and the weekend is shaping up to be one for the books, thanks to head organizers Jennifer Smith and Tracy Olson.
Beginning Friday, July 2, activities begin ramping up for alumni with events planned through the morning of July 4.
While class events and other activities are planned for July 2 and 4, the main focus of the reunion is the events on July 3 that will keep Main Street closed for the day as people flock to downtown for the festivities.
According to Smith, there will be no formal registration for the reunion unless you are participating in specific events, such as the golf tournament, parade and/or walk-run. Each of these events will have registrations available online or on the day of the event.
Along with pictures to help remind you of the weekend of fun with old high school friends, the News Letter Journal will produce volume two of the NLJ’s Newcastle Legacy Series: NHS All-School Reunion 2021 special section, according to Managing Editor Kim Dean. This all-school reunion tabloid will hit the stands the week of the reunion. Both volumes of the special section will be available during the reunion and feature stories about Newcastle High School graduates who have accomplished amazing things.
“When we heard there would be no book featuring updated information on graduates, the News Letter Journal decided this would be the next best thing. This keepsake features newly created content, stories we have featured in the paper and recycled stories from past years that highlight different graduates from Newcastle High School history,” Dean said. “We were happy and excited to produce a product that features graduates and their stories for everyone to enjoy.”
As far as picture taking opportunities go, Friday will offer lots of chances to snap pictures for those already in town with the Newcastle Booster Club Golf Tournament kicking off the weekend at 7:30 a.m. at Newcastle Country Club. Later in the evening, people choose among these offerings: the Weston County Senior Center dance featuring the Western Ramblers beginning at 7 p.m. with a $5 cover charge, or watching Pumpyn Ethyl and enjoying food at the Flying V beginning at 5 p.m. with a $10 cover charge or watching a family friendly movie for free at 9 p.m. in Washington Park.
Saturday’s festivities begin bright and early with a pancake feed at the Masonic Lodge, beginning at 7 a.m. for $8 a plate.
Breakfast is followed by a 1K/5K race sponsored by the Newcastle High School’s cross-country team. There is a $25 entry fee that includes a shirt.
“Everyone participating in the 5K or 1K is encouraged to come to race check-in. People who have registered and paid can pick up shirts,” coach Kathy Beehler said in information about the event. “People who haven’t paid can come pay and receive a shirt (depending on availability). Those who aren’t registered can come register and pay.”
While the race officially starts at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday morning at the Dogie Theater, registration and check-in will take place on Friday from 1 to 7 p.m. at the Kozisek Aquatic Center. To register for the walk/run, go to Anyone registering the day of the event will have $5 added to their registration fee.
The parade lineup on Saturday starts at 10 a.m. in the Newcastle High School parking lot. The parade begins at 11 a.m. Classes will have the opportunity to show off their stuff as the parade moves up Main Street. According to Smith, there will be a $20 minimum donation for each of the floats participating.
Immediately following the parade, the Weston County Arts Council will present the historical reenactment of President Teddy Roosevelt’s speech on the steps of the Antlers building.
At this time, food trucks and vendors will line Main Street for those wanting to hang out downtown and enjoy the teacher social at the Antlers from 1 to 3 p.m. and auction at the Weston County Library from 1 to 4 p.m.
The auction, according to Smith, will feature items donated by each class, with all proceeds going to the Newcastle High School Alumni Scholarship fund.
Over at Centennial Park, there will be plenty to do for the kiddos with Fun On The Go bringing bouncy houses and carnival games to town. The fun will be set up and ready to go from 1 to 5 p.m., with wristbands costing $10.
The evening will end back on Main Street with a street dance featuring Nate Smith and the Caddywhompus Band starting at 8 p.m.
Once the sun starts to go down, the arts council will be at it again with its reenactment of the hanging of Diamond L. Slim at 9 p.m. at Railroad Park.