3D archery shoot is big success
Walter Sprague
Art and Culture Reporter
Friday through Sunday, Aug. 13-15, Cambria Bowhunters of Wyoming held its 38th annual 3D Archery Shoot at Jim and Kathy Dixon’s ranch near Mallo Camp. Celebrating the group’s 43rd year, over 220 archery enthusiasts came out for the three-day event, said Glen Reed, club president. Kathy Jones, one of the club coordinators, said some had been camping out for a couple of days.
“People come from Colorado, Idaho, Montana, the Dakotas,” Jones said, “It’s a big event. They come from all over.”
Those who shot were from 3 to 88 years old, Reed said. All children who shot received a participation trophy.
He said the club cleared brush and piled it up and did other groundskeeping maintenance at the Dixon’s ranch . The Dixons then let them use their beautiful forested land for the event.
“The ranch is a little flatter than other places around it,” Reed said, “That helps a lot. It allows everyone to be able to walk around to the different targets in such a beautiful forest.”
There were 45 winners in different events. The winner of the Bull-Shooters Award (an award given to the silliest person or the one who had the most extensive vocabulary) was Carl Lenardson of Newcastle. Reed said the award is passed on every year and is just for fun.
The Overall Shooting Award went to Tony Lenardson, Carl Lenardson’s son, also of Newcastle.
The shoot is one of the major fundraisers for the bowhunters group. With a barbecue, egg toss and novelty shoots aplenty, the funds raised go toward the functions of the club. Reed said the money helps pay for such things as supplies and rental of the clubhouse on Main Street in Newcastle.
“Awesome shoot,” commented club member Kara Lenardson on her Facebook Page. “Everyone should try to come next year, second weekend in August.”